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Tooth Sensitivity Treatment

Updated: Nov 29, 2024

Tooth Sensitivity Treatment

There is nothing as irritating as a sensitive tooth. Sensitive teeth could seriously affect certain activities like brushing, eating, or even keeping your mouth shut. The symptom of a sensitive tooth is sharp and short bursts of temporary pain in your teeth. Like always, we must first find the cause before we can treat it.

Teeth become sensitive due to various causes. The most common of them is either a worn tooth enamel or exposed tooth roots. However, there are other causes such as a cracked/chipped tooth, worn filling, gum disease, or a cavity.


Even though you might've heard of gargling warm salted water, we highly recommend that you consult a dentist. They could identify the underlying causes of your tooth pain. Any home remedy others suggest might worsen your condition. The dentist will often go for the less invasive method possible. Your dentist might recommend any of the following based on their observations.


The use of desensitizing toothpaste might help block pain associated with sensitive teeth. Your dentist will suggest you use one for a fixed duration if your condition isn't severe. Note that regular use of these kinds of toothpaste should not exceed the days or months recommended by your dentist.


A dentist uses fluoride to strengthen the tooth enamel and reduce pain. Your dentist might apply fluoride to the sensitive areas of your teeth if needed. The dentist might also suggest the use of prescription fluoride at home.


The dentist often treats the exposed root surfaces by applying bonding resin to the sensitive root surfaces. The procedure might require a local anesthetic, and you could resume your day as it was a normal one.


The pain you experience might be due to the lost gum tissue in the tooth root. Your dentist might suggest a gum graft that takes a small amount of gum tissue from elsewhere in your mouth and attaches to the affected area. This procedure is effective in protecting exposed roots and reducing tooth sensitivity.


The dentist will only suggest a root canal if you're experiencing severe pain and the above methods are ineffective. A root canal is a treatment to repair the damaged or infected tooth. It is an excellent alternative to removing the tooth, which can be a lot more painful. It is the process of cleaning the canals of a tooth's root. A root canal is the most successful technique for eliminating tooth sensitivity. Your dentist will suggest Antibiotics and pain relief tablets such as Meftal Forte weeks/days before the procedure. The procedure will require a local anesthetic, and you might experience a certain degree of discomfort throughout the day.

During the primary stages of treatment, the dentist might also suggest hydrogen peroxide or saltwater rinse. Like we said, treat the cause, not the symptom. Brushing twice a day with a soft-bristled toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste will help keep your teeth and gum healthy. Remember to floss daily and visit the dentist at least once a year. However, you can book an Emergency Dental Appointment Roseville CA if you have any queries related to tooth sensitivity and any other issue. A healthy diet is also crucial. Extended consumption of carbonated drinks, citrus fruits, and wine can remove small amounts of tooth enamel over time so remember to use a straw. Lastly, drink sufficient water to maintain the acid levels in your mouth.


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